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  • Writer's pictureAdam K

Book Review of "The Goal"

Updated: Dec 27, 2022


The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt is an easy-to-read business novel about a manager of a manufacturing plant who is struggling to turn a failing business around. The main character, Alex Rogo, is tasked with improving the plant’s efficiency and increasing its profits. Through the course of the novel, Alex is introduced to the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a methodology that helps him to identify and break through the bottlenecks that are preventing the plant from reaching its goals.

In the beginning, Alex is struggling to turn around his failing plant, and time is running out. His mentor, Jonah, introduces him to the Theory of Constraints, which is based on the idea that in any system, there is one constraint that limits the entire system. To improve the system, you must identify the constraint and focus on improving it. Alex applies the Theory of Constraints to his plant and discovers the bottleneck in his system is the shipping department. He begins to focus on reducing the amount of time it takes to complete orders by improving the efficiency of the shipping department. He also discovers that the bottleneck can be moved to other areas, such as inventory or customer orders, and that by focusing on the goal of completing orders, he can improve the entire system.

In the end, Alex is able to turn around his failing plant and save his job. He is able to do this by focusing on the goal, or the end result, rather than on individual tasks. He is able to improve the entire system by focusing on reducing the amount of time it takes to complete orders. The novel serves as a reminder that in any system, the goal should always be the focus.


Key Learnings

The main concept of the Theory of Constraints is to focus on the limiting factor that is preventing the organization from achieving its goals. This limiting factor is known as the “constraint”, and it is the one area that needs to be improved in order to increase output and efficiency. By focusing on this constraint, the organization is able to maximize its resources and achieve its desired outcomes.

Goldratt emphasizes the importance of focusing on the goal, rather than individual tasks. He points out that focusing on individual tasks can lead to sub-optimization, which is when specific tasks are optimized but the overall system is not improved. By focusing on the goal, we can achieve a much greater level of efficiency and success.

The book also highlights the importance of utilizing the right metrics to measure progress. Alex learns that traditional measures, such as return on investment and inventory turnover, are not always the best indicators of success. Instead, he needs to focus on metrics that will help him to identify and break through the constraining factor.

Goldratt also emphasizes the need for organizations to have a clear vision and mission. Alex is able to turn the plant around by creating an achievable goal and aligning the efforts of employees towards that goal. This helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same outcome and that the organization is able to achieve its desired outcomes.

Finally, the book emphasizes the importance of collaboration and communication. Alex learns that in order to make the changes necessary to improve the plant’s efficiency, he needs to involve all of the employees in the decision-making process. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and that the changes are implemented effectively.


Your Feedback

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Did you like "The Goal"?

  • Loved it! One of the best business books I've read.

  • It was ok. Good info but nothing ground-breaking.

  • I hated it.

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