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Use of Artificial Intelligence in Operations Research

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a process of programming a computer to make decisions for itself. This is done by feeding the computer data and then teaching it how to recognize patterns. The computer can then use these patterns to make predictions or recommendations.

The most common type of AI is machine learning. This is where the computer is given a set of data and then left to learn from it. The computer will try to find patterns in the data and then use these to make predictions.

Machine learning is a very powerful tool and it is getting better all the time. However, it is not perfect. There are still some things that humans can do better than computers. For example, humans are better at understanding natural language and recognizing faces.

AI is a rapidly developing field and it is already having a big impact on our lives. It is being used in many different areas, such as medicine, finance, and manufacturing. It is also being used to develop new technologies, such as self-driving cars.

AI is likely to have an even bigger impact in the future. It will continue to get better and be used in more and more areas.

How does AI help in Operations Research?

Operations research is a mathematical science that deals with the effective use of resources. It is often used to find the best way to allocate resources, such as time, money, energy, or materials, so that they are used most efficiently and effectively.

AI can help in operations research by providing a way to automate the process of finding and using resources efficiently. AI can do this by analyzing data and making decisions based on that data. For example, AI can be used to find the best route for a delivery truck, or to schedule the use of a factory floor so that it is used most efficiently.

AI can also help in operations research by providing a way to make better decisions. AI can do this by analyzing data and making decisions based on that data. For example, AI can be used to decide how to best allocate resources so that they are used most effectively.

Some examples of AI being used in Operations Research are:

  • Predict demand and optimize production levels

  • Develop new products or services

  • Streamline manufacturing processes

  • Schedule maintenance and repairs

  • Monitor stock levels and anticipate shortages

  • Optimize delivery routes

There are an endless numbers of other possibilities to leverage AI to help the field of operations research. We are just at the beginning of journey and should expect to see many more and much more impactful examples in the near future.

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